- Being Picky about a CSS Reset for Fun & Pleasure
- DevOps is terrible 2023
- HTML Form Validation is heavily underused
- Full-Stack TypeScript with tRPC and React
- Async Await Best Practices
- React Design Patterns: Instance Hook Pattern
- WebSockets tutorial: How to go real-time with Node and React
- How You Can Install a ChatGPT-Like Personal AI on your own computer and run it with no internet
- How to prevent re-render in React with Tailwind CSS
- Component Composition is great btw
- Free for Developers
A list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers.
- Telemetry? No, thanks
More and more front-end tools use telemetry to track how they are used.
- How to Build a React Hook That Handles Sequential Requests
Cancel previous API requests to ensure only the latest data is processed.
- Introducing the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET (Preview)
- How to build a library in React
- Organizing multiple Git identities
- Don't disable buttons
- How To Improve INP: React
- Error handling in Go web apps shouldn't be so awkward
- 5 Tools Every Developer Should Use in 2024
- Top Front-End Tools Of 2023
- How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years
- Time for Passwordless
- Not all issues are complex, some are complicated. Here's how to deal with them
- How I keep myself Alive using Golang
- Working on Multiple Web Projects with Docker Compose and Traefik
- CSS :has() Interactive Guide
An extensive guide to CSS :has() selector.
- How TypeScript can help in modelling business workflows
- When imperative is better than declarative in React
- Avoiding useEffect with callback refs
- 10 Insights from Adopting TypeScript at Scale
- Git Tips and Tricks
- ChatGPT Explained: A Normie's Guide To How It Works
- A Few DOM Reminders
- .NET Developer on MacOS
This is a list of all tools I use on my Macbook Pro.
- All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years
- Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
- Web Components Are Easier Than You Think
- APIs load testing using K6
- 6 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2023
Toolbelt worthy, powerful, and stable CSS you can use today.
- Go, Containers, and the Linux Scheduler
- 101 React Tips & Tricks For Beginners To Experts
- Learn [React] Suspense by Building a Suspense-Enabled Library
- My favourite Git commit
- Lighthouse meet GitHub Actions
- Pure SH Bible
The goal of this book is to document commonly-known and lesser-known methods of doing various tasks using only built-in POSIX sh features.
- Why is OAuth still hard in 2023?
- You Don't Need a Build Step
- Type negation in TypeScript
- Conditional React hooks pattern
- Effective React Query Keys
- AWS SQS vs SNS vs Eventbridge - When to Use What?
- 5 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2024
- Common mistakes with React Testing Library